Tuesday, March 25, 2014

iReport Critique

When you sign up for ireport cnn they elect to give you a tour so that you can learn how to navigate around the website. It's sort of like of YouTube where they have the latest top rated videos so that you can see what's popular. The page is also linked to the actual CNN page, I was streaming the page from my phone and when I swiped the screen to left CNN homepage popped up. I feel like this is a good idea for being efficient because streamers don't have to re-stream the page. The best thing is it allows people to upload their own videos with the opportunity of making the actual CNN page. It is a global news-gathering tool. However, this means anyone can upload a video without edits. I think that this may be the only bad idea because none of the videos are screened, therefore some videos may be too explicit or over the top for viewers.

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